See what Evergreen Consulting LLC can do for you.

Wetland Delineations
Wetland Delineations identify precise wetland boundaries to help plan for a property’s future. Wetlands are identified through procedures in State and Federal rules and manuals. Evergreen Consultants, LLC has two WDNR Professionally Assured Wetland Delineators on staff.

Wetland Permits
Placement of structures, dredging and similar activities in wetlands often require permits from the Department of Natural Resources and the US Army Corp of Engineers. If wetlands cannot be avoided in the process of developing a property, Evergreen Consultants, LLC will determine which permits are needed and submit complete applications to get projects moving forward.

There are numerous risks involved with buying a property. One that can be costly is dealing with hazardous waste contamination discovered on property you have recently acquired. Performing an environmental site assessment prior to acquiring a property can minimize that risk. Evergreen Consultants can help minimize that risk for you by identifying and evaluating environmental risks prior to a purchase.

Evergreen Consultants, LLC will assist in determining the best path forward for a property. Identifying environmental concerns and navigating local, state, and federal regulations early in a project is key to a smooth development.

Mitigation Bank
Wetland mitigation banks are restored, enhanced, or created wetlands whose purpose is to provide credits to offset unavoidable impacts to existing wetlands. A bank can be located on land that historically supported wetlands or currently holds degraded wetlands. Landowners typically work with Evergreen Consultants, LLC under guidance from an Interagency Review Team (IRT) to establish and maintain a wetland mitigation bank and sell credits.

Wetland Restoration
Evergreen Consultants, LLC can provide the technical assistance on restoring wetlands that have been drained or filled in in the past.
For more information on wetland restoration download this handbook for landowners and learn more. Wetland Restoration Handbook for Wisconsin Landowners Wetland Restoration Handbook for Wisconsin Landowners (DOWNLOAD PDF)